Growing good food.

Growing community!

Call to action

The Bells Corners Community Garden, aka BCCG, is led by neighbours with a passion for growing good food and giving back to the community! During the warm season, the team will grow vegetables to donate to the local food bank and community groups. With a huge commitment to getting to know their neighbours and building community, the BCCG will also lead activities for Bells Corners residents.

Meet our co-founders

Three residents who have lived in Bells Corners for over 30 years combined, they never pass up a good opportunity to connect, collaborate, and enjoy some neighbourly camaraderie!

  • Ken Rosehart


  • Joan Wright


  • Marc Meilleur


Front-yard garden pilot

In 2020, BCCG neighbours Ken and Marc, supported by Joan, Connie, and Zion, combined their joint front-yard into a vegetable garden. In that first year, they met tons of other neighbours as they worked outside to establish the garden and grow good food. Growing community from the start, they shared the harvest with neighbours by setting up a table where they could each grab a free box of tomato. Last year, BCCG approached the FAMSAC Food Cupboard to donate the food from the front-yard garden. In total, they donated 150lbs of fresh vegetables to the food bank.

—Ken Rosehart

“I grew up in rural Southern Ontario and we always had a family garden where we grew our own food. Grandma would do the canning, and we would freeze the corn and peas, and store the potatoes in the food cellar. That was the vegetables we consumed during the winter months. I live in Ottawa now, but I wanted to go back to the joy of growing my own food.”